Health Infrastructure Development Standards 2074 B.S classified Health institutions are classified into five levels based on a minimum set of health services: community level (Health Posts or Community Health Units); Primary Hospitals; Secondary Hospitals; Tertiary Hospitals; Academic or Super-specialty hospitals. Catchment population and geography will form the basis for assigning number of beds and identifying the required number of health workers. Standard drawings for each type of health institution is developed that facilitate delivery of quality health services such as, attached bathroom in delivery room, an OPD room with privacy concerns of clients, while also mandating specifications for wiring,
piping and flooring that minimize infections and reduce cost-of-ownership. These standards will improve the quality of buildings built, reduce times for completion of construction projects and promote the use of economical and locally available construction materials. As custodian of all construction of health institutions, effective implementation of this standard will require enhanced cooperation with Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC).
Along with the integrated development, scientific approaches to procuring and maintenance of biomedical and supplementary equipment will be explored and ensured to improve their operation and functionality.
To know more about the categories of hospitals in Nepal , download the following pdf.