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PHC (Primary Health Care) outreach Programme of Nepal

Historical Background

Primary Health Care Outreach (PHC/ORC) services was initiated and established in 1994 (2051 BS).

As of National Health Policy 1991 , health facilities were health facilities were extended up to village level. However, utilization of services provided by health facilities, especially preventive and promotive services, has been found to be limited because of limited accessibility. Therefore it was felt that services should be expanded closer to the community. Thats how PHC/ORC services was established in 1994 A.D ( 2051 BS).

Primary responsibility to conduct these clinics lies with MCHWs and VHWs at SHP level and ANMs, AHWs and VHWs at PHCC and HP level. Other staffs of HP/PHCCs help to conduct the PHC/ORC. With the upgrading of MCHW and VHW, and with upgrade of all SHP the responsibility is being shared with all ANM and AHWs. Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) and other local NGOs/CBOs support health workers to conduct the clinics and also support in recording/reporting and other support activities.

Aims of PHC/ORC Programme

According to Ministry of Health and Population of Nepal the main aim of PHC/ORC Programme is to improve access to some basic health services including family planning, child health and Safe motherhood close to rural households.

These clinics are the service extension sites of PHCCs, Health Posts and upto community level.

Benefits of PHC/ORC

Different services are provided by the PHC/ORC Programme to improve the access and promote health.

Safe motherhood and Newborn Care

  1. Antenatal, postnatal and newborn care
  2. Iron distribution
  3. Referral if dangers signs identified

Family Planning

  1. DMPA, (Depo-Provera) pills and condom
  2. Monitoring of continuous users
  3. Education and counseling on FP methods and emergency contraception
  4. Counseling and referral for IUCD, implant and VSC service
  5. Tracing defaulter

Child Health

  1. Growth monitoring of under-3 children
  2. Pneumonia treatment
  3. Diarrhea treatment

Health Education and Counseling

  1. Family planning
  2. Maternal and newborn care
  3. Child health
  5. Adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health
  6. Others

First aid treatment

  1. Treatment
  2. Referral for complicated cases

Programme Implemented by

PHC/ORC Programme is Implemented by Family Health Division of Department of Health services of Nepal.


Official Website of Ministry of Health and Population

For more information Visit Link :


  • Binita Adhikari

    Binita Adhikari is a dedicated public health professional with a strong passion for disease prevention. With a focus on addressing pressing health challenges, Adhikari is committed to advancing knowledge and practices that improve health outcomes and promote well-being within diverse populations with her research in the field of public health. Adhikari is MPH student and is currently pursuing expertise in public health epidemiology, with a keen interest in infectious disease, biostatistics, epidemiology and chronic diseases.

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