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Syllabus for BPH licensing examination
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Syllabus for BPH licensing examination

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After Completing the Bachelors degree of Public health , one needs to register under Nepal Health Professional Council (NHPC).

NHPC has recently announced that there will be written exam for Public Health Licensing Examination, Syllabus of Examination can be found in the following pdf.


Nepal Health Professional health Council is a autonomous body established under the Nepal Health Professional Council Act 2053. The aim of this council is to register all the “health professionals” other than medical doctors and nurses according to their qualification; and bring them into a legal system as to make their services effective and timely, and in a scientific manner.


Examination Methodology

NHPC collects the online applications from of both masters and bachelor degree graduates. The subject committee reviews the certificates and makes the recommendation to the examination committee. The examination committee following this syllabus takes examination in the periodic basis. Those who have complete 4 years bachelor degree in public health from recognized university are eligible to enter into this licensing examination. The questions of respective subject will be collected from the experts and choose the questions randomly during the examination.

Objective of Syllabus

The overall of objective of this syllabus is to ensure the availability of basic public health knowledge among the public health practitioners. The specific objective is to define the core subjects and provide the weightage for the purpose of licensing examination of those who completed 4 years
bachelor degree in public health from the recognized universities.

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