National Public Health Week 2024
Every year, during the first full week of April, the American Public Health Association (APHA) organizes National Public Health Week, a time to honor public health contributions and draw attention to matters crucial to enhancing the health of the country. There is the theme for every day for Public Health Week.
National Public Health Week 2024 Themes

Why public health week is celebrated?
Throughout National Public Health Week, we celebrate the week to honor the life-saving efforts of public health specialists who dedicate their lives to advancing the health, safety, and welfare of our nation. We understand that the nation of America is stronger when its citizens are in better health.
When we talk about public health it’s not just health care, public health is connected with everything the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the environment where we live. Public health focuses on health promotion and disease prevention. It is the actions we take to ensure that there is no pollution in our surroundings and neighborhoods. Ensuring the safety of our food and water supplies is its main responsibility. It also includes the connections we make inside our communities. Everybody is related to everyone else. The public health goals can be accomplished by individuals, families, communities, and the public health field working together to support public health.
So it is important to acknowledge the efforts of every health professional including public health professional who works hard to improve our health.